MadeAgainGills Online Media
Escape From Sobibor (1987) Rutger Heaur - Public Domain DVD NO CASE
Escape From Sobibor (1987) Rutger Heaur - Public Domain DVD NO CASE
Escape From Sobibor (1987) Rutger Heaur - Public Domain DVD NO CASE
During World War II, an escape at Treblinka sparked a vow from the Commandant of Sobibor, a similar death camp, that his prisoners would never be able to do the same. However, the Jewish laborers, who were spared from the ovens, knew that their time was limited and their only chance for survival was to escape. The question was how to do it without endangering innocent lives. With the threat of retaliation from the Germans, any escape attempt would have to involve all 600 prisoners, making traditional methods like tunnels or sneak breakouts impossible. Ultimately, this meant that the Ukrainian guards and German officers would have to be killed, forcing the Jews to confront their own morals and the reality of their situation. This true story serves as the basis for the film Escape From Sobibor (1987), now available on Public Domain DVD without a case.
Please note this DVD movie is over 50 years Old and in Colour, it will not be up to today's high Quality, although the Quality is very good and can be watched on a large screen. Please remember it was made for the older screens though and not digital.
All our items are reproduced on high quality disks (DVD-R) by ourselves and are of a very good quality and have been thoroughly checked in the Public Domain before listing.
All our products are either in the public domain and/or we have collected and compiled them ourselves and therefore are the copyright holders and master re-sellers or we own the resell rights to them.
Items contained on this DVD are distributed freely and globally under the terms of the GNU Public Licence and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL).
High Quality Printed DVD-R in Plastic Wallet not a DVD Case.