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MadeAgainGills Online Media

NIGHT SHIFT (1982) Henry Winkler, Michael Keaton, Shelley Long - Public Domain DVD Movie Disc only

NIGHT SHIFT (1982) Henry Winkler, Michael Keaton, Shelley Long - Public Domain DVD Movie Disc only

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NIGHT SHIFT (1982) - Public Domain DVD Movie Disc Only

Starring Pat Corley, Henry Winkler, Michael Keaton, Shelley Long, and Gina Hecht, this rare deleted title is now available on DVD. This public domain movie disc is in color and comes with free shipping.

A morgue attendant is unexpectedly assigned to the night shift and is paired with a new, obnoxious partner. Their lives take a bizarre turn when a prostitute neighbor complains about the loss of her pimp. The partner suggests using the morgue as a brothel, leading to unexpected consequences. This movie has a runtime of 1 hour and 46 minutes and is over 40 years old, so please note that the quality may not be up to today's standards. However, it is still very good and can be watched on a large screen. Please keep in mind that it was made for older screens and not digital ones.

All DVD-Rs are made to play in all DVD/Blu-ray players, PCs, and are region-free. Please read before purchasing. All items are reproduced on high-quality disks (DVD-R) and have been thoroughly checked in the public domain before listing. We either own the resell rights to the products or are the copyright holders. This product fully conforms to eBay compilation and international media policy and downloadable media policy. No trademarks, copyrights, or eBay rules have been violated in this listing.

If you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact us through eBay messages. We provide replacement items and accept returns. This high-quality printed DVD-R comes in a plastic wallet, not a DVD case.

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